
Character Roles & Information

This is an elaboration on the previous section about character development and the background in Space Command.

In Space Command this is the story of the Captain of Space Command, all his stories only appear in Space Command so if the story is about the Captain of Space Command then it is a Space Command story, the story is not called Space Command Strike Force or Strike Force.

The story is called Space Command and The Captain of Space Command is the leader of the Space Command Strike Force, that is about him and the Admiral from Earth and the main Space Command Story.

In the story, the Space Command Strike Force can request back up reinforcements be sent from Earth and depending on their mission the Admiral of Space Command on Earth can send additional units from Earth's Space Ship Fleet to assist the Strike Force or he may leave them on their own to resolve the situation.

If reinforcements are sent from Earth the Captain of Space Command assumes the role of the Flagship Captain and commands the fleet with his first and second officer.

At that time the rest of the crew teams can take over command of individual units from Earth's Space Ship Fleet. Meaning, the other crew members on the Space Command Strike Force assume the leadership of other units from Earth's Space Ship Fleet from their ship when it acts as the flagship. 

So, units two to five take over command functions of other lower units of the Space Ship Fleet and report to the Captain of Space Command. 

What this means is that during a battle if the Space Command Strike Force breaks up into five smaller ships of three member crews each of the four other ships takes over command of divisions of Earth's Space Ship Fleet separately and the Captain takes over command of the entire fleet.

Right now, I am not doing spin off books and it is just Space Command. However, I plan on writing this series for a long time until I am in my 80's so if Space Command gets to ten books I may do spin offs. What I am setting up is the "rules of Space Command" and what that means is not that's it's easy to write books but it's faster if they all take place in the same background.

Setting up the background with the story rules makes writing the books faster because they all share the same background with technology, space ships and roles etc. Putting all this in the same background makes the stories faster to write, so I will try and do that if I get ten Space Command books done.   

At minimum, I plan to write Space Command as a free website and ebook publication just on the internet and have some of it printed. If Space Command launches and is successful I will put money into it and make it a full book production. If not, it will just be a free page on the internet and ebooks etc.

Setting up the rules to the Space Command story will allow for faster writing of books and spin off books blending into the same background. I will see what happens if it makes it to ten books.

The other names I considered for Space Command are Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force.

Those names would be the Space Command spin off books. So the spin off books of Space Command would be Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force.

They would be "Space Command - Space Fleet", "Space Command - Star Force" , "Space Command - Space Force" and "Space Command - Earth Force" as spin off books.

This is super important in Space Command.

These other titles of the possible "Spin Off's" are branches or divisions of Space Commands Space Ship Fleet.

These are the top four divisions in the reinforcements sent by Earth's Admiral to back up the Space Command Strike Force in a large battle.

Space Fleet is the main unit of Earth's Space Ship Fleet. Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force are additional units or divisions in the Space Ship Fleet.

All these units are considered to be of equal rank but the Space Fleet division would be the lead unit and that would be the location of the "traditional" flagship, although it is not really used.

Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force are additional units of space ships but not in the lead position.  Like Space Command , Earth Command would be a unit under Space Command back on Earth that is on the ground. Earth Command would be a lower branch of Space Command and not a unit or division in outer space.

When the reinforcements show up from Earth to assist the Space Command Strike force units two - five assume the Command of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force in the battle.

What this means is that in Space Command on the Strike Force unit two is the command of Space Fleet, unit three is the command of Star Force, unit four is the command of Space Force and unite five is the command of Earth Force. They are all separate divisions of Space Commands Space Ship Fleet.

A Commander on Space Command is a larger rank than a Captain on Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force or Earth Force.

The Captain of Space Command and his first and second officer are from Space Command on Earth, the first and second officers work for Space Command and in line to be the next Captain of Space Command.

The next four Commanders are the Captains of the other Space Ship Fleet units and have their top two officers with them on the Space Command Strike Force.

What that means is the Commander of unit three is a girl, she is the Captain of Star Force.  Star Force is a Military Division in outer space consisting of many ships, she along with her two officers command the entire Star Force division.

The spin off book called Star Force or Space Command - Star Force would be about the Commander of Unit Three on the Space Command Strike Force when she is Captain of Star Force. Her Lieutenant Commander and Lieutenant are the next two top officers in Star Force.

The Star Force spin off books would be about Unit Three from Space Command when they are back in the Star Force division on separate missions.

If reinforcements are sent from Earth the Commander of unit three assumes the role of Captain of Star Force during the battle and they report to the Captain of Space Command.

The same with the other three units.    

Like this, units two to five are led by the Captain's of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force.

The Captain of Space Command leads the entire fleet.

The Captain of Space Fleet is male and he is the 2nd Commander on the Space Command Strike Force.

The Captain of Star Force is female and she is the 3rd Commander on the Space Command Strike Force.

The Captain of Space Force is male and he is the 4th Commander on the Space Command Strike Force.

The Captain of Earth Force is female and she is the 5th Commander on the Space Command Strike Force.

Their first and second officers are their crew from their other Space Divisions.

Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force would be the spin off books later in the series but for now their stories are only in the Space Command books. The story of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force take place inside the the Space Command story and apply when their divisions are sent to back up the Space Command Strike Force, at that time the crew of the Strike Force resumes their roles as Captains of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force with their Strike Force crew.

The premise is that when they are not on the Space Command Strike Force they are back at their units at Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force.

That sets them up to have their own spin off's concurrently while being in the Space Command story.

Originally, I was not sure how this dynamic would work. I thought that the background of the Commanders was that they used to be on Star Force etc. and they left and were promoted to Space Command, then when their old units showed up they assumed command of their old division during a battle.

Then the spin off titles were going to be the "new" Captains of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force and totally separate adventures than Space Command because of congruity.

I thought it would be hard to write the characters into Space Command while maintaining congruity with the Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force stories. Plus, I did not want to make the spin off's back stories and wanted them to run concurrent with Space Command in the same time line.

That way when their division's showed up they were different characters who were the "new" Captains of the other units and had original adventures outside of Space Command.

However, that did not happen. The Commanders of Space Command are the Captains of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force and have their top two crew members with them.

When they are not on the Space Command Strike Force as Commanders they return to their units with their two crew members and resume their roles as Captains and crew members of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force which is what I wanted to do anyway, but I wanted to maintain timeline congruity.

To do that, meaning that the Spin off stories of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force all take place congruently meaning "at the same time" as the stories in Space Command. Their stories will appear in Space Command but the spin off stories although completely separate from Space Command are in the same background and take place when they are not on a Space Command Strike Force Mission, and have returned to their own units as Captains.     

This is important to Space Command.

Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force are not "ships" they are units. The captains of theses units run a "fleet" of ships under the name and they command units not an individual space ship.

The Captains of Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force do not have a specific ship assigned to them but they command the "lead" ship that is in charge of a fleet.

So in the Space Fleet, Star Force, Space Force and Earth Force stories the captains are in charge of a lead space ship that runs a fleet of ships or "division" when they are not on the Space Command Strike Force in Space Command. Their separate stories would be about that.

In Space Command the idea is that Earth is "equally matched" in outer space to it's enemies but is the dominant force. However, they do not have the same technology as other civilizations so they have to penetrate, acquire and evaluate other planets technology.

That is one of the roles of the Space Command Strike Force, then this technology is sent back to Earth to the Admiral of Space Command for evaluation by his science team on Earth and/or the Space Command Strike Force can also evaluate it.

©2020 Space Command  by Jason MacKenzie